Friday, 8 July 2022

Presence of dengue worries in Cuba

Cuban health authorities reported Friday that four provinces reported dengue transmission on the island, although it is not in an epidemic situation.

The national director of Surveillance and Anti-Vector Control of the Caribbean nation, 

Madelaine Rivera, told local media that there is a 21.7% growth in outbreaks of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes --the transmitting agent--, the largest amount of these in the last 15 years.

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The official did not specify the number of outbreaks or infected people, but highlighted that four provinces - Havana, 
Camagüey in the center, Las Tunas and Holguín, in eastern Cuba - concentrated insect breeding sites and have "declared transmission of the disease”, so there was “a complex context” regarding dengue.

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According to the official, 83% of the breeding sites are found in residential areas -uncovered tanks, abandoned water buckets or waste and rubble in which water accumulates for them to nest-, for which she urged the population to carry out inspections in their homes and destroy those possible nesting spaces.

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In addition, he indicated that the fumigation —carried out by the State— and the surveillance of suspected cases with a feverish state for eventual hospital admission, as well as the use of fish as biological control for ponds, were increased.

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Rivera stressed that the presence of Zika or chikungunya, which are also transmitted by mosquitoes, was not reported.

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The summer season with increased rainfall and humidity is the appropriate time for the multiplication of these vectors. 
Dengue in its hemorrhagic form can lead to the death of patients if they are not treated properly.

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