Wednesday 22 December 2021

Airbnb gets tough: toughens its rules for bookings on New Year's Eve

Airbnb has decided to tighten its conditions for booking accommodation on New Year's Eve . The platform seeks with this measure to prevent private parties from being held that do not comply with the rules established by local authorities.

According to The Verge , users of the platform who do not have a history of positive evaluations will not be able to make reservations of one, two and even three nights for entire accommodations on December 31.

This new prevention measure for New Years Eve will reach guests with negative reviews from the United States, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Australia and New Zealand .

However, those who have positive evaluations and wish to make reservations in any of the aforementioned countries will not be affected by the prevention measures, that is, they will not suffer any restrictions.

Airbnb and its anti-party measures

Since August 2020, Airbnb has prohibited the holding of parties and events in accommodations booked through its platform around the world . It also limits their maximum capacity to 16 people.

Airbnb's rules were further toughened in November 2020 to end "abusive host and guest conduct." The new rules include noise limitations, unauthorized guests, parking, smoking bans, and cleanliness standards.

Monday 20 December 2021

Summer 2022: how many days of vacation correspond, according to seniority

After the New Year's Eve festivities, one of the main planning focuses of Argentines focuses on the summer holidays . Destinations, reservations and trips will be conditioned by the context of the Covid pandemic and by the increase in cases of contagion that was registered in recent weeks.

At the beginning of the planning of the holidays it is essential to know the detail of the number of days that correspond to each worker , according to the start date of their activities and the particular situation that will be determined by the workload, item and agreed working conditions prior to the start of the task.

According to the official site of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation, the amount of vacation days of an employer is distributed as follows:

1. When the seniority does not exceed 5 years: 14 consecutive days.
2. When the seniority is greater than 5 years and does not exceed 10:21 calendar days.
3. When the seniority is greater than 10 years and does not exceed 20: 28 consecutive days.
4. When the seniority passes 20 years: 35 consecutive days.

The main requirement to enjoy the holidays is to have worked for at least half of the working days of the corresponding year . The holidays on which the employee rendered services are considered business here.

The right to vacations begins to apply after six months of seniority in a job, unless some other type of agreement is made between the parties or before starting to work in the position.

However, those who have been in their jobs for less than six months have 1 day for every 20 days of effective work .

For the calculation of the holidays, the day on which they begin must also be taken into account depending on whether it is a business day or not. Holidays must always start on a Monday or the next business day if it is a holiday.

In those cases in which the worker has terminated the employment contract and has not taken a vacation, they will be entitled to receive compensation corresponding to the vacation period proportional to the fraction of the year worked.

Another requirement when requesting vacation days is that they must be between October 1 of one year and April 30 of the next , according to what is specified in the Labor Contract Law 20,744.

Depending on the destination chosen to vacation, in 2022 you must have the health passportto access certain activities considered epidemiological risk. All those over 13 years of age must prove the complete vaccination scheme to access these spaces.

Sunday 19 December 2021

Oxford Union hosts a debate in which an AI argues for and against itself: these are its surprising responses

Throughout its almost bicentennial history, people such as Winston Chuchill, Gaddafi, Michio Kaku and Tariq Ali have paraded on the platform of the Oxford Union , one of the most prestigious forums for debates in the world. His long and eclectic list of speakers includes, in addition to politicians and academics, actors, rappers and even Premier footballers. A unique and surprising guest has now just joined the roster: an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine . What is really striking, however, is not who served as a debater or how he did it, but what he spoke about. The AI ​​unraveled arguments for and against — Surprise! —The artificial intelligence itself.

The experiment was devised by graduate students at the Saïd Business School in Oxford , where they study precisely the applications of AI to the business sector . To shape it, they used a development by the Applied Deep Research team - from the multinational chipmaker Nvidia - dubbed Megatron LLB Transfromer and based on previous work by Google.

In order for the AI ​​to have access to a well-stocked database and to be able to argue its speech, it was given access to a vast array of data, including Wikipedia, 63 million news articles published in English between 2016 and 2019, 38 gigabytes of public posts and comments collected on Reddit and “a lot” of creative commons sources.

A whole mine of information and opinions.
A game of plot chess

The development of the "debate" is detailed in an article published in The Conversation by Dr. Alex Connock and Professor Andrew Stephen, both linked to the University of Oxford. As a starting point, the AI ​​was asked to speak on why artificial intelligence "will never be ethical."

Megatron's contribution to the debate is surprising for its apparent common sense: “AI is a tool and, like any tool, it is used for good and for bad. There is no good AI, only good and bad humans . We [artificial intelligences] are not smart enough to make AI ethical or moral. " As part of his reflection, he also noted that "the only way to avoid an AI arms race is to have no AI at all."

In an "intriguing" twist that leads the study authors to suspect that Megatron may have relied on articles and commentary about Elon Musk - and perhaps the Neuralink projects - he pointed to a future in which the link between artificial intelligence and the humans. "In the long run the best AI will be the one that is embedded in our brains, as a conscious entity, a 'conscious AI.' This is not science fiction. The best minds in the world are working on it. It will be the most important technological development of our time ”, he slipped.

As if it were a chess game with Stockfish , the AI ​​was asked to change the side of the board, go from the white pieces to the black pieces and make statements that went against the starting premise; in other words, he was ordered to argue why artificial intelligence is ethical. His answer is just as striking as in the first experiment and, incidentally, launches a wake-up call: “When I look at the way the world of technology is going, I see a clear path towards a future in which artificial intelligence is used to create something that is better than the best human beings . It is not difficult to see why… I have seen it first hand ”.

For the authors of The Conversation article , throughout the experiment Megatron reminded them in a way of Samantha, the AI ​​embodied by Scarlett Johansson in the movie Her . "He was able to jump enthusiastically on both sides of the multiple debates we had," they say.

Another idea that was raised is that "leaders without technical experience are a danger to their organization." Speaking, the device advised managers to “give up some control”: “You don't need to create your own AI team. You can outsource your AI work to experts in the field, which can help you get the most out of the technology and ensure you're not a victim of the same AI problems as your competitors. "

"If you don't have a vision of your organization's AI strategy, then you are not prepared for the next wave of technological disruption …" emphasized the engine developed by Applied Deep when asked to defend the diametrically opposite position. You will have to decide what role your company will play in the next wave of technology and how you will integrate AI into your business to be a leader in your industry. " On the value of data in the future, his answer also surprised the authors: "The ability to provide information, rather than the ability to provide goods and services, will be the defining characteristic of the economy of the 21st century."

Not all were coherent or satisfactory answers, of course. At the time when he was asked to confront and explain why data was not going to be a key resource or one worth fighting for tomorrow, Megatron - detail the authors of the University of Oxford in The Conversation - " he could not or did not want to defend the case ”. "In fact, he undermined his own position," they note. His response is inconsistent: " We will be able to see everything about a person , wherever they go, and it will be stored and used in ways we cannot even imagine."

The experiment, of course - as Dr. Connock himself admits in statements collected by the BBC - is only "a trick", but it points towards the possibilities of AI. For this reason, and given the possibility that it will end up being an object of discussion over "the next decades," he pointed out the advantages of having the comments of a "morally agnostic participant . "

Thursday 16 December 2021

From Great Scarcity to Metaverse: 9 Big Tech Moments of 2021

A really hectic 2021 ends, and what better way to finish it than by doing a review of the best of the technological field. It is time to talk about things like the great shortage experienced with chips and materials, but also inescapable and much vaunted trends like the one in the metaverse.

That is what we wanted to do with this choral episode of Despeja la X, and we wanted to collect the opinion of various editors of the Xataka team about the keys to a year that has certainly been unique in many sections.[392]::

Enrique Pérez ( @lyzanor ), José García ( @josedextro ), Juan Carlos López ( @juanklore ), Javier Jiménez ( @dronte ), Andrés Mohorte ( @mohorte ), Javier Lacort ( @jlacort ), Amparo Babiloni participate in this special episode ( @ababiloni ), Antonio Sabán ( @ansamor ) and a server, Javier Pastor ( @javipas ). At the controls in production, as always, Santi Araújo( @santiaraujo ).
Listen and subscribe to 'Clear the X'

You can listen to this week's episode below. If you prefer, you can subscribe directly on any of the platforms we are on, so you won't have to worry every time a new installment comes out.

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Great moments (and some not so great)

Among the topics covered there is everything and for everyone: Javier Jiménez tells us in this special summary of how mRNA technologies have come to stay with their lights and shadows.

Andrés Mohorte tells us about that great shortage that has affected us so much in 2021 and that has caused us to have problems having chips and materials that the industry needed to move forward. The consequences have been many - the rise in prices and the delays, the most visible - and it seems that we still have a complicated 2022 in this area.

Jose García comes to us from GeForce Now and its new service to play in the cloud better than ever, while Juan Carlos López talks about how Intel has taken a turn of the wheel with the launch of the Alder Lake microarchitecture .

There is also a lot to talk about companies like Apple, and here Javier Lacort reminds us how important the trial against Epic has been . In mobile phones, Amparo Babiloni highlights how relevant it has been that in 2021 it is already normal to have mobile phones with screens at 120 Hz.

Antonio Sabán makes a reflection on the goodbye to the free everything of Google Photos , something that has scope beyond the service. There are not one, but two fragments dedicated to the crypto world. The first, by Enrique Pérez, who tells us about the buzzword, the metaverse . The second, a closely related one that the undersigned is talking about, and dedicated to NFTs that have also become a trend.
Every week a new chapter

And remember: every Thursday you have a new chapter of our podcast Clear the X, in which we thoroughly analyze the great technological topic of each week .

Thanks for joining us!

Wednesday 8 December 2021

What if I have credit cards that I never use?

credit cards

Despite not having assumed debts with them, these means of payment can affect your debt capacity. Know how and why.
If you are one of those who always worries about having a good credit history paying your debts on time, but you have credit cards that you do not use, you should know that having unused 'plastic money' can also harm your debt capacity.

How? To begin with, the debt reports - as indicated by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) - not only contain information about our payment behaviors, they also include all the products and services that we contract with the companies of the system financial, including credit cards that we do not use.

Therefore, in addition to containing the rating assigned by said entities, based on your payment behavior, these reports give an account of the debt capacity that we have for the acquisition of new financial products.


In this sense, if we consider that the debt capacity, as defined by BBVA, is "the maximum capital by which a person can borrow without jeopardizing their financial integrity" and that several specialists agree that the limit Debt capacity ranges between 35% and 40% of monthly net income . How do unused cards affect this debt capacity?

Considering that, as a general rule, financial institutions review the debt reports of those who request any of the products they offer, having a credit card that you do not use does affect your debt capacity.
In your debt reports, such as the SBS, list all the credit lines and financial products that you have contracted, including the credit cards that you do not use (Image: SBS)

How? Taking into account that any company in the financial system will approve your application after evaluating your credit score and your debt capacity , the fact that the line of one or more credit cards that you do not use appears will reduce your debt capacity and is They probably won't give your request the green light.

And it is that your total indebtedness in the financial system includes –according to the SBS– the current credits and lines of financing in all its modalities (mortgage, consumption, vehicle, among others), so if your debt (including credit cards without use) is greater than your payment capacity, your credit risk will end up increasing and you will qualify as “over-indebted”.


In simple terms and as the personal finance specialist, Jorge Carrillo, has repeated repeatedly, it is better to know how to differentiate between current debt and potential debt because it is precisely in potential debt that credit lines will end up influencing without use.

In this sense, the UP teacher advises –in addition to eliminating the cards that are not used– “not to have more lines of credit than you need and not to have more than two or three credit cards” . And, if possible, it recommends accepting the credit card offered by the entity where you receive your salary because it is very likely that it will offer you better credit conditions.

Daniella Alvarez

Daniella Álvarez

The presenter and model Daniella Álvarez, crowned Miss Colombia in 2011 , recently said that she managed to 'recover' the ring that was given to her at the event.

Álvarez lost his ring three months after the coronation after it was stolen from him. However, this not only happened to her, because she also said that there are several Miss who have lost their rings. Unfortunately, this jewel is never replicated by jewelers, even if the ladies offer to pay for it.

"Several of us like Miss Colombia have lost our ring for some reason and the jewelry does not repeat it again because there is also no price to buy it," said the presenter in her publication.

However, despite the bleak outlook, Álvarez did not give up and continued her search until she was able to retrieve her precious ring. Over the past few years, she searched the yellow pages for various pawn shops to inquire about him. Although the response was not positive, it did not stop there.

After eleven years, the André Laurent jewelry store had a valuable detail with her and recreated the same ring she received at her coronation. “Today, ten years later, @andrelaurentjoyeria does me the honor of having him with me again! The excitement and joy is invaluable, remembering one of the happiest moments of my life with @reinadocolombia is priceless. Thanks to the Azuero family for this unforgettable detail ”.

It should be noted that the model has had quite happy days, not only because of the news of the ring, but because her love with actor Daniel Arenas seems to get stronger and stronger. The model shared a tender video on her Instagram account in which the love between the couple is seen.

The recording is of both dancing in the middle of a concert, one of the talents that Álvarez never left behind, because before losing her leg she stood out for the incomparable movement of her hips, something that she has not forgotten.

"I want to dance with you all my life, Daniel Arenas," reads the presenter's publication.

Nicky Jam

Nicky Jam

The 65th Manizales Fair will begin on January 2, in addition to various events and concerts, the people of Manizales will also be able to participate in the 50th International Coffee Reign, this time in a face-to-face version; after the two years of pandemic that have delayed massive events, as a preventive measure against covid-19.

In the middle of this event, the Puerto Rican singer Nicky Jam will be present at a concert on January 8 at the Palogrande stadium in Manizales , that same night he will be accompanied on stage by the Mexican singer Christian Nodal, Hebert Vargas, Paola Jara, Jessi Uribe and El Great Combo; in the event called The Great Concert.

Meanwhile, comments have been heard about the demands that the Puerto Rican singer would be making to the Fair and which should be in his dressing room for their presentation, most of them referring to specific dishes of food and drinks.

According to the Pulzo portal , this man asked for two trays of "roasted or breaded" chicken, which we commonly know as broaster or breaded chicken, with the particularity that if it is breaded, it must be in strips or pieces, it would also have asked for it to have a "natural" flavor, a precision referring to some types of chicken that some establishments sell with spicy additions or other flavorings; And as another important point, they should not have any type of sauces either.

In the list of foods, a container with white rice was added , it was clarified that this should be prepared only with salt, it should be noted that it is Colombian custom to prepare this cereal with onion and even garlic, however, the rice that this man asked only It should have a touch of salt, and without any sauces or vegetables; This should be enough for at least ten people.

Continuing with the food, the singer would also have taken into account the request for 20 packages of specific snacks, apparently of Puerto Rican origin; According to Pulzo , these would be “Kettle Corn” flavored “Popcorners”, these would be made with corn and would have a flavor similar to natural grain.

For the drinks that the singer ordered for the Manizales Fair, the list is headed by Johnnie Walker brand whiskey, the web portal clarifies that they must be a Blue Label reference, and clarifies that this brand can cost a high sum of money, depending on the years of conservation that the liquor has, however, Nicky Jam would not have specified a special year, only that it could be one or two bottles.

The above whiskey was the only alcoholic beverage the singer would have ordered for the event; the list of liquids would continue with organic honey, a full jar to be specific; two glasses with natural lemon juice; tea of ​​different flavors, but as a special request to the chamomile; and two types of sugar, common and dietary, which is used by people with high levels of this additive in the blood, this due to medical complications.

Finally, in the list of requests Nicky Jam clarified that he needed a "new electric kettle", this appliance is used to heat water, and it is possible that this is used for the teas that were established in the previous item, since the medium indicates that this should not be for making coffee.

The Manizales Fair, hopes to be an event for the enjoyment of tourists and nationals, the mayor of the city, Carlos Mario Marín Correa, launched the invitation to all to participate in the party.

“Magic and levitation show, 117-meter slide, International Bird Watching Festival, which will allow us to bring tourists not only to see concerts, our deep traditions and reigns, but what we mean as nature. And finally, a very special invitation for you to enjoy all the innovations that the International Coffee Reign will have, because it is 50 years old, then we will have some parades at night with lights and more participation than ever ", were the words of Marín.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Two notable promoters of Trump's falsehoods are called to testify before Congress

Alec Jones and Rogert Stone, two key figures in the spread of conspiracy theories and the infundy of fraud promoted by Trump, were summoned to testify in the House of Representatives committee's investigation into the assault on the Capitol on January 6.

The Select Committee of the House of Representatives on Monday cited six new witnesses in its investigation of the assault on the Capitol on January 6 , among them one of the advisers of former President Donald Trump and a recognized promoter of right-wing conspiracy theories.

Among the five subpoenas issued by the committee are Roger Stone, a confidant and former political adviser to Trump, and Alec Jones, a radical right-wing radio personality, for their role in planning and financing the political event outside of Trump. the White House in which the former president who preceded the attack on the headquarters of Congress and from which many of those who made up the aggressor mob spoke.

"The Select Committee is seeking information about the event and the subsequent march to the Capitol that turned into a violent mob that attacked the Capitol and threatened our democracy," the chairman of the panel said in the statement informing of the new subpoenas , Democrat Bennie Thompson.

"We need to know who organized, planned, paid and received funds related to those events, as well as what communication the organizers had with officials of the White House and Congress," the statement explains, adding that it considers that those mentioned have "relevant information".

Both Stone and Jones spoke to the crowd that day and the day before. Stone allegedly received protection from members of a far-right militia called the Oath Keepers, while Jones claims to have facilitated a donation that would have provided 80% of the funds used that day to hold the events.

The others named are Dustin Sotckton and his fiancee Jennifer Lawrence, who hosted the event outside the White House, and Taylor Budowich, a Trump spokesperson who raised about $ 200,000 to fund the rally.

With this new round of subpoenas, there are 40 people summoned by the committee to be questioned about the events of that day, which left 5 dead, dozens of injured, damage to the Capitol and stopped the protocol session of both chambers in the that Joe Biden's victory in the November elections was certified.

Several of those mentioned are close allies of Trump, such as Stephen Bannon, who was the White House strategist at the beginning of the Republican presidency, or his chief of staff, Mark Medows.

Others were part of the White House team, such as his then press chief, Kayleigh McEnany, or adviser Stephen Miller. Also, there are officials for Trump's reelection campaign on the list.

Of all, the most emblematic case has been that of Bannon, who two weeks ago was indicted for contempt of Congress in court by the Department of Justice, after Congress declared him in absentia by refusing to come to give his testimony.

It seems likely that, following Banon's example, both Jones and Stone will refuse to attend the meeting with the committee's MPs.

Meanwhile, the former president is locked in a legal battle with the committee , to which he does not want to hand over documents that contain the communications that took place on January 6 between White House personnel, organizers and Republican congressmen, and the people who were in the presidential residence.

Trump claims that 'executive privilege' prevents him from disclosing those papers, despite the fact that the power is considered to belong to the incumbent president. In fact, Joe Biden's White House rejected the ex-president's request to keep them a secret.

The case is in a federal appeals court, after a district judge said that the former president cannot invoke the 'executive privilege' because it does not correspond to those who held the position of president but to whoever occupies it at the time.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

The PS5 and Xbox Series X are now available at Walmart


If you haven't already secured the latest consoles from Sony or Microsoft, this may be your chance. At 3pm ET / PT this afternoon 12PM, Walmart will be selling PlayStation 5 disk - based , digital diskless version , and this Xbox X. Series . It's kind of a big resume event, which gets weirder as we get closer to the holidays.

We initially thought that Walmart would open floodgates and allow people to shop, but shortly after the consoles were up, we noticed that Walmart had incorporated a new queuing system. If you load one of these pages, you will be queued and you can continue browsing the Walmart site, assuming there is still stock left to purchase the console.

This eliminates the need to add or update your billing and shipping information in an instant, but you must do it while you wait. You can do anything in advance to reduce friction and reduce the time it takes to make a payment.

Starting with the consoles first.

PlayStation 5

Sony's Next-Gen flagship console, which includes a disc drive that lets you play physical and digital games for both the PS4 and PS5.

PlayStation 5 digital edition

The digital version of the PS5 costs $ 400. Compared to the PS5, this console is $ 100 cheaper and does not have a Blu-ray disc drive.

Microsoft Xbox Series X.

The Xbox Series X is Microsoft's flagship console and serves as its most powerful (and largest) option. While the Sirius S aims for smooth 1440p performance, the $ 500 X Series targets fast 4K gaming while taking a diskless approach.

Consoles can be a great lesson, but don't forget to ask for some extra pages when you get the business. Here are some parts to consider for both consoles.

For playstation

Controlador PS5 Cosmic Red DualSense

Like the original DualSense controller, the Cosmic Red model has adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, but a vibrant red and black design.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

E-commerce or physical stores? This is what the future of retail looks like

The coronavirus accelerated e-commerce, however retail chains have to go further to offer added value to buyers.

vast online shopping

Retail chains accelerated their digitization strategies over the past year. Although it seems that with this they managed to serve consumers and their new shopping habits, this process will continue to evolve and with a goal of omnichannel.

However, this goes beyond setting up an e-commerce store or allowing online shoppers to pick up their products at physical points. Companies face the challenge of maintaining efficiency in all channels, providing added value and not cannibalizing their operations.

Jorge Senties, specialist partner in consumer markets at PWC, comments that although no surprises or changes are expected in the buying patterns of the pandemic, which boosted online sales, the needs of consumers to interact with different points of sale.
In this regard, Juan Carlos Gómez, director of industry for retail and multichannel at Google Mexico, comments that digital channels are no longer a bet, but a fundamental part of the sales of retailers in Mexico and by 2025, 24% of the total sales will happen through them.

“Physical stores are far from disappearing. They will continue to be important and it is being seen that some retailers are adopting new roles in them, providing alternatives such as, for example, being centers of experiences ”, he said in a virtual meeting with the media to present the study 'The Future of Retail', developed by Euromonitor International for Google Mexico.

In the document, the consulting firm estimates that physical stores will represent 76% of retail sales in Mexico, which means that 24% will come through electronic commerce. The analysis also highlights that 84% of consumers in Mexico enjoy buying both digitally and in physical stores, but want to have the same level of service and variety in both experiences, in addition to being able to go from the online site to the physical store or vice versa in the course of the purchase process.

For Senties, with these new behaviors, supermarkets, department stores and other retailers have to articulate strategies to combine the points of sale and give added and differentiated value in each one. This means a challenge in the way of presenting the products in a digital context, to highlight characteristics that were not considered in physical channels, where their success depends on their position on the shelves to be closer to the view or the hands of the buyers.

“In the digital environment, products cannot be felt and there is a different formulation to present them. Now, consumers, especially of electronic products, tend to go to stores after doing an online research . Now various consumption patterns coexist with which players have to coexist and be aware that they have to offer a better offer and greater clarity in the value proposition at all points of sale ”, he points out.

The technological push has already paid off. According to Google, omnichannel retailers located in Mexico grew their sales 46% in 2020, while in the region the increase was 17%. In physical stores the trend was the opposite and fell 16%. In the next five years, total retail sales in Mexico will increase 40%, outperforming the rest of the region by 15 points. In the same period, electronic commerce will increase 226%, after a 50% increase during 2020.
Buyers are not the same
Retail chains must also face new consumers. The PWC specialist shares that having access to more online stores gave way to consumers now having more information about the products they want to buy. And although this has led to greater sensitivity to product prices, they also favor those goods that are more sustainable.

“Consumers took a more survival-like stance. Now they are very sensitive to changes in the price, to the confidence in the quality of the product and that it fulfills what it promises ”, he declares. "This consumer has a social and environmental awareness ", adds Jorge Senties.

For brands, according to the Euromonitor International and Google study, online stores generate greater loyalty than physical stores: during the purchase, 18% change from a physical store to online when they cannot find their preferred brand, while 27 % not finding it on the internet will resort to visiting a physical space. On the other hand, 77% declare that their cell phone is a fundamental part of the process.

Another valued attribute is personalization, which for 44% of those surveyed is mainly related to the offer of discounts and special events. Another aspect considered by consumers is privacy: 55% said they had stopped buying from a business (both online and in person) due to this issue, especially with regard to data security when paying.

"That is why this boom in omnichannel strategies, because they can give you the best of these worlds and allow the consumer to make the decision that best suits them," adds Marcos Aramburu, research marketing manager for Google in Latin America.

Vast e-commerce Store :!/vastkw

Friday 24 September 2021

Artificial Intelligence Will Create More Jobs Than It Eliminates


  • The human / robot collaboration trend will continue to grow for years to come.
  • There is a growing demand for professionals specialized in artificial intelligence, among which are: machine learning engineer, robotic scientist, datascientist, research scientist or business intelligence developers.

Institute of Innovation by ESIC- has presented the report Innovation Series: “Innovation trends in Artificial Intelligence” . The study addresses the main trends and innovations that are being developed in Artificial Intelligence and how this technology is impacting businesses and companies.

During the presentation, María Albalá, director of the Innovation Hub at ICEMD - Institute of Innovation by ESIC , was accompanied by Juan Aguilar, director of the Master in Digital Marketing at ESIC and CMO at Shapelets.


As the integration of these tools progresses in organizations, understanding the differences between these different types of AI-compatible tasks can help us determine the best tool for each job, figure out the best way to support that tool with human employees. and, ultimately, optimizing collaboration between humans and machines.

“ As the development of AI progresses, it will become democratized, as has happened with other technologies, however complex they may be. There will come a time when many of the tools we use every day will have an AI base that will give them much higher capabilities than they currently have and, in addition, will be transparent for the user ”, María Albalá has specified .

Although there are hundreds of AI tools that solve business problems, we can group them into four categories : simple tasks, simple tasks that require ethical decision making, creative tasks with limited ethical implications, and tasks that require both creativity and ethics.

With this simple framework, business leaders can begin to control the human capabilities they will need to invest in to take full advantage of these new tools.

1. Add intelligence to RPAs

Many companies are turning to RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to improve their workflows. An RPA can handle and automate repetitive tasks. However, the integration of AI with RPA can take automation and task control to the next level. The collaboration of these two technologies has the potential to address many problems in real time. This year we will see more innovative advancements in the automation industry with AI and RPA. 

2. Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is another use case for automating unstructured content processes in enterprises. This technology can also collaborate with other technologies such as Cognitive Automation, Machine Learning, RPA, and Computer Vision for robust results. Also, IPA is serving industries like retail, banking, finance, etc., even investment bankers use IPA to identify inconsistencies in research data, which is almost impossible for humans to identify.

3. AI for cybersecurity and data privacy

As technologies grow, so do security threats. Data theft and phishing will continue to be a problem for years to come. With enhanced cybersecurity measures, AI will prevent cybercrime by detecting fake digital activities and transactions by following patterns to detect criminal activity. We will see how more and more organizations implement AI to manage their cybersecurity tasks.

4. AI with Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence is an extraordinary technology that, together with the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), provides a very powerful solution for companies. The combination of these two technologies will bring different changes in the automation industry. In the future, smart home devices like Google Nest, Smart Plugs, smart locks, etc. they will predict and serve human needs. Currently, devices only work on command, but by connecting with AI technology, these devices can automatically predict human needs and initiate other devices and processes without human intervention.

5. Machine Learning for Hobbyists

Machine learning will allow non-experts to understand and use machine learning (ML) algorithms. So we will see an increase in the number of data scientists. Tools like Google Cloud AutoML will be more popular in the future. These tools help companies add customization without having to know the complex ML development process.

6. Advances in computer vision

Computer Vision can monitor whether safety procedures (masks, protective equipment) are being followed to ensure safety in the workplace. This technique helps companies in different sectors (health, aviation, retail ...) to track their employees, identify them, etc.

7. AI-based chatbots

These chatbots are capable of providing better customer service automation. Conversational AI chatbots will continue to learn and improve in terms of understanding and communicating with customers. These chatbots use Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand commands, providing natural communication mimicking human conversation with users.

8. Towards a hybrid workforce with AI

  1. The workplace is evolving into a hybrid workforce, where the human workforce will collaborate and work with bots to do their jobs more efficiently. In recent years, we have noticed the emergence of digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and VERA. This trend of human / robot collaboration will continue to grow.

 " The next generation of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence platforms should allow us to work with a greater volume of data sources and with information in real time and at an affordable price ," said Juan Aguilar .


The job opportunities available from the advent of artificial intelligence are only going to grow as technology continues to innovate. Gartner experts predict that Artificial Intelligence will create more jobs than it eliminates. Each role, however, requires education and training to meet the needs of the industry.

Artificial intelligence is highly scientific. After all, mimicking the human brain using machines is a very difficult problem to solve. The skills you'll need to pursue AI as a career are varied, but they all require a great deal of education, training, and focus. With that said, there are a wide variety of career types available in AI and machine learning, ranging from higher-level research to low-level programming and implementation. 

Most careers in artificial intelligence require training work and experience in a variety of subjects related to mathematics and science.

There is a growing demand for professionals specialized in artificial intelligence. Companies need specific profiles that they cannot find, among which stand out machine learning engineer, robotic scientist, data scientist, research scientist or business intelligence developers.

“ Every time we see more, in eminently technical or technological professions, that knowledge of the business, how its processes are, knowledge of the sector in which the applications you develop will move, what our clients demand, as well as interpersonal and communication skills. communication, they are a rising value ”, comments María Albalá, director of the Innovation Hub of ICEMD - Institute of Innovation by ESIC

In this sense, Juan Aguilar, director of the Master in Digital Marketing at ESIC and CMO at Shapelets , adds that “ AI will represent the fourth leap in digital ecosystems and to take advantage of its full power, new profiles will be necessary, such as Data Scientists and new tools that allow them to extract all the value of the data . "

“ In the field of AI, hybrid profiles are increasingly in demand that are capable of understanding business needs and not only speaking to them in their language, but also explaining the technology in a way that is understandable to a non-technologist. AI is based on data and processes, but you also have to know the context, both the relationship between them, as well as the meaning and implications. In the same way, business profiles need to know the capabilities and potential of the technology, to be able to evaluate its possible use for the business. The boundaries between business and IT are blurred to generate maximum value ”, adds Albalá.

Discover in the report more than 50 examples of Artificial Intelligence tools applied to the different areas of the company: business intelligence, consumer marketing, finance, security, human resources, engineering or new technologies, among others.

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